




Course Outline · 1、掌握狀況 · 2、確認使命 · 3、找出強項,盤點獲勝籌碼,並進行拆解重組 · 4、設定目標,推測共識範圍ZOPA · 5、替代方案BATNA.課程大綱: 本課程旨在幫助學生瞭解談判的奧妙,訓練如何將談判的觀念、策略與技術運用於企業和私人的. 商業交易,以增強管理能力、提高經營績效。課程內容包括: 1.這些技巧和建議適用於所有跨文化的商業協商,幫助你在不同文化背景下達成雙贏的協商結果。在下一課,我們將介紹三種常見但較難辨識的口音。必選修類別. Required/Elective, 選修Elective, 先修課程. Prerequisites ; 學分數. Credits, 0 - 2 ; 先修課程說明. Prerequisites instruction. 課程概述 (系所共同性目標)... Outline. Course ... 溝通、協商與談判技巧(社會). Offering Department. 通識中心進修部四技. Course Name(English). Communication, negotiation and negotiation skills.Apply persuasion and negotiation skills to manage conflicts and collaborate effectively with teammates and stakeholders. 應用說服與協商技巧 ...100學年第一學期東海大學教師授課計劃表. Course Plan of Tunghai University. 一.課程基本資料 Course Information. 開課系所. Department, (研)政治系Department of ...法律顧問主講:談判協商入門課程(第三期)】 衝突、分歧無所不在。有時,你害怕進一步會得失對方;退一步又感到憤憤不平。六堂談判課程,助你掌握調解要髓, ...十、 課程大綱: (Course outline), 1. 優勢談判的開場佈局技巧 2. 優勢談判的中場攻守技巧 3. 優勢談判的收場施壓技巧 4. 雙贏談判高手所具備的特質 5. 客戶銷售心理學 6.... 協商。 you might need to negotiate with your boss or with peers ... But negotiation skills are so, so important. And I think the first ...actually just fix that , nip it in the bud , and let that person go . which I don 't think many people think about as often as they should , is actually if you figure out that there 's been a mistake or an error made , Another important lesson is to be able to fix your mistakes as quickly as possible . whether it 's going to be for a collective good or to try and negotiate against them . and even if one is trying to get one over on something , somebody else , to be kind or to be empathetic , just for the sake of doing it . or similar to what we ' re going through ourselves . Put in a word , it 's actually called empathy . So , we really need to reflect what other people are going through , how to get the best from that partnership or that interaction . I don 't think we can achieve any kind of success on our own . I think a lot of people seem to forget that other people might have different perspectives . when I was a really small child , and I'd watched children 's television shows , You have to know when you ' re willing to walk away and be willing to walk away . you might need to negotiate with your boss or with peers or with colleagues , in a queue , in a line , you might need to negotiate with your children , going to be negotiating million - dollar deals , or large mergers and acquisitions , They are going to come down to people , personalities and emotions . that have the highest value creation , aren 't going to be able to be automated . or the people , because at the end of the day , most of the things that we do in business , that I thought would obviously work in a book , really , at the end of the day , So , my first lesson is that it 's all about the people . I'm a partner at Passion Capital , the early - stage venture fund based in London . or what you ' re trying to achieve and what 's going to sort of serve the best purpose . simply to try and persuade them to your point of view . is to know your worth or to know your position in the negotiation . Because if you ' re not , you ' ll have no negotiating power or leverage whatsoever . Secondly , another sort of sub - rule is that you need to know what 's motivating the other party . but it served me really well . Even at my point in my career , I think it 's incredibly important to think about what 's driving other people , what motivates other people . At the end of the day , It requires teams , it requires teamwork , it requires collaboration , But saying that makes it sound like I'm just saying , you know , to understand what that other person is going through so that you can try to maximize that situation , And this might be referred to as course correcting , or iterating quickly , failing quickly , and responding quickly to new information , what they really mean , put in a negative way , you need to fix that as quickly as possible . One really good example of this , if there 's been a wrong hire made , and to let that person go . with a candidate or with somebody to match a job specification , as soon as that 's recognized it needs to be addressed . It doesn 't help , it doesn 't help anybody , even if we feel bad for that person , Be yourself and to be as authentic as you can possibly be . to present certain opinions , ideas , and to be taken seriously or in a certain way for a certain context . But really , it 's important to know what 's really motivating you , or what motivates ourselves , in order to be able to be as convincing and to have conviction with that particular topic . Similarly , the best way to be your best self is to take care of yourself . And there 's nothing more alarming or underscoring about this than a global pandemic . if we ' re taking care of ourselves and our families at home as well . 科技風險投資女王揭示了成為殺手級談判專家所需的兩點|CNBC 我的最大教訓 (Queen of tech VCs reveals two things needed to become a killer negotiator | CNBC My Biggest Lessons)■ Introduction ■ Group discussion □ Practice □ Collaboration with industry experts □ Field Study ■ Online Teaching (Please check at least two of the above) Course Overview and Objective : This course involves exploring themes and sharing experiences, gradually acquiring communication skills, and learning how to address impasses, conflicts, and pathways to resolution during negotiations, ultimately creating a harmonious environment. ■Innovative Teaching Course □Innovation and Entrepreneurship Course □Programming Course □STEM Field Courses □Technical Excellence Leadership Program □Next Generation Talent Cultivation Program for Vocational and Technical Colleges □Teaching Practice Research Project □Others(Service Learning. Labor Education) □Full Immersion Language Instruction □EMI(English Medium Instruction)Less then 70% Integration of the United Nations Sustaina ble Development Goals into the Curriculum(SDGs)